Wow Database - Warlord of Draenor:
- Iron Docks:
- Fleshrender Nok'gar
- Ahri'ok Dugru
- Oshir
- Skulloc
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines:
- Slave Watcher Crushto
- Forgemaster Gog'duh
- Roltall
- Gug'rokk
- Auchindoun:
- Vigilant Kaathar
- Soulbinder Nyami
- Azzakel
- Teron'gor
- Skyreach:
- Ranjit
- Araknath
- Rukhran
- High Sage Viryx
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds:
- Sadana Bloodfury
- Nhallish
- Bonemaw
- Ner'zhul
- Grimrail Depot:
- Railmaster Rocketspark
- Nitrogg Thundertower
- Skylord Tovra
- The Everbloom:
- Witherbark
- Dulhu
- Xeri'tac
- Archmage Sol
- Yalnu
- Upper Blackrock Spire:
- Orebender Gor'ashan
- Kyrak
- Commander Tharbek
- Ragewing the Untamed
- Warlord Zaela